What’s the Core of Transitioning Your Diet?

Alright, y’all, here comes to meat and potatoes of our health journey: navigating the grocery store. So, you’ve discovered to wanted to transition into a clean, whole-foods based diet, and want to propel yourself into an energetic, healthy, youthful person. You’ve been given instruction on what foods to eat, what foods to remove, how to transition your diet, and you soon. Then, you walk into a grocery store, and become completely overwhelmed with the options and what to choose. Sound familiar? This happens with most patients, and has happened with myself when I first began this journey. 





Isn’t This Intimidating?

The grocery store is intimidating. Point, blank, period. It doesn’t have to be, though. Most people find going to the grocery store a bit unnerving: it’s jam packed with people, condensed with thousands of food products, and it seems as if they’re always rearranging the aisles every week (is that just me?). Unless you’re a strange food-obsessed person like I am, you most likely avoid going to the grocery store at all costs. It seems a bit daunting to begin with, and now that you’re transitioning your diet, it seems near impossible to be successful with shopping. You’re not alone in thinking this, which is why I want to help you find a smooth way to conquer this.

So, where do we start?














Sign up for my free PDF to learn how a nutritionist navigates a grocery store, helps implement staples for your health journey, and helps you understand the difference between “buzz words” on your food and the actual nutritional value!







December 31, 2019 — Philip Oubre, MD


supermarketnearmeopen.co.uk said:

very informative posts

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